Monday 18 August 2014

On Work Behaviour… Why? What? How?

Pondering on my Work Behaviour

Strangely, after having written quite a lot about everything I come across, the thought of elaborating on my ‘work behaviour’ never crossed my mind. And today that I’m writing this, not sure if its out of sheer choice or a choice induced, but whatever invoked me, hopefully help me articulate my ideology in the best possible way.
Well work behaviour or precisely putting, the rudders to direct my efforts into anything at hand are usually guided by a basic concept. It should feel ‘correct’ to me, justification shouldn’t be required, it should be so convincing.
So fundamentally I can structure my work aptitude into three components:
  • Picking
  • Doing
  • Reviewing

Sounds very ‘IT type’, but seems uncompromisingly essential to me.

I should better let the diagram do the talking.

So ultimately when the ultimate motive remains to attain a logical conclusion in whatever I reach out for, it should be a ‘win-win’ stride for all the participants. But the bedrock to all this thought remains,

“Deeds, not words, shall prove me…”

Just to wrap up.... You don't need to run behind accolades, just become worthy enough... It really works and does feel super-Good :)

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