Sunday 10 August 2014


Chronicles from ‘The Day’

As published in the earlier posts, MANDI was an emblem of curious enthusiasm for us. This day when we finally got our feet into the mud, all we could come out with is a long-hailed chain of adjectives and of experience way too awesome than we’d ever speculated. Despite of the surprises and not-so-convenient circumstances, the event lived up to the aura created around it. It’s no more a mere ‘B-school event’… it’s a venture to explore oneself.
Well, all these lines do convey that it was an out-n-out superb experience. But what do we derive out of it? 

Few pointers, to keep it short:

·        Be Prepared for the Unplanned

Being on the streets we realized that almost anything and everything on this earth can come in front of you. Despite, anticipating the variant hues of the probable consumers and putting in all the permutations we could theoretically think of, we were welcomed with surprises all our way. But the panacea here stays to be able to contain that surprise, enliven your scheme with that than being shocked.
When a person from the supposedly ‘elite class’ says, “NITIE!!??? Might be some college… Mumbai has lots of them” composure is what comes to your rescue.

·        But also Plan for the basics
So all set for the storms and surprises, one can never miss on the essentials. What you are projecting to be, the products, the campaign, every single word we blurt out to pitch ourselves shouldn’t become a sword against us. Being informed can be the biggest aide in such situations.

·        Flexibility!!! that’s the Mantra
Yes, that’s ‘THE’ word. You simply need to mold yourself with whatever comes ahead. You have this agenda but it’s only the projection you need to manipulate to get the purpose served. Two persons can agree on the same fact, but their rationale might be way too distant. To decipher this distance and leverage it, marks the betterment of your endeavor.
There were people who bought stuff just for the sake of the fancy straws and colorful box; and there were others who expected a complete RoI analysis over a scale of almost 5 years on each product. So while putting in your effort, the orientation should be to invest your effort to growth rather than binning it to wastage.

·    Respect for Individual
That’s the thumb rule. No matter who the person is, even if he doesn’t makes a profitable market for you or expects your time before investing into you, or even if you spent a good 15 minutes on him just to hear “Sorry.. We’re not interested”; disrespecting him is an absolute no-no.
There had been times when we had to be at the receiving end for ‘disrespect’, even then your poise is what sets you apart from the usual league. That one ‘Good Luck’ note on departing leaves an impression to create a relationship. As they say about elevated goals, raise from the seller mindset to an intent of building relations towards a purpose.

·        N don’t forget to Enjoy…

Yes. How-much-ever toll its taking out of you, it can only be reduced if we enjoy our work. Celebrate each sale, every relation acquired, and so on.

There’s a whole lot we got to know through ‘Maha Mandi’ which is unmatched, for sure. But the essence of collaboration as they say, this is the first time I, personally, saw it so evidently in action.

"SOCHO... SEEKHO... BECHO..." it just becomes so natural there. :)

Last but definitely not the least... Thanks to the GREAT TEAM we were... 

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