Tuesday 15 July 2014

Learning Unconventionally...

Being a student, formally, for around 18 years now, there always has been this intriguing thought about the concept of ‘unconventionality’. Be it any domain of being, treading off from the usual always is tempting.
Getting into the 19th year of my formal education, day 1 and here I see a message of ‘Socho Becho Seekho’.  As stated, it seems interesting. But being a part of the system so conventionally cut, where one’s choice of subjects is also more-or-less defined by the ongoing ‘trend’, instincts ain’t ready to anticipate crude concept-development over doses of pre-formatted knowledge capsules.
Well, howsoever it seems, but gaining a first-hand experience of the offbeat mode of ‘knowledge sharing’ has begun and has started enthralling not only me, or another one in the crowd, but a decent score of 80 enthusiasts.
All this, which might seem fascinating, has just begun... watch out this space for the entire action... a lot is yet to come...

‘Happy Learning!!! J

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