Friday 18 July 2014

Day 1: Tower Building Exercise

With a given set of cubes, two groups of three volunteers each are expected to build a tower, as tall as possible. The task is scaled up continuously adding constraints to the mode of execution.

What we saw
Each group emulated a corporate scenario, with one being the General Manager, other Manager and one Worker. As per pertinent hierarchy, the Manager conveyed the approach to the blindfolded worker, following which the worker was supposed to build the tower. Also, the group was supposed to estimate a target as per their capabilities, the resources in hand and the constraints in picture.
Both the teams gave a decent performance, in the sense that they projected a realistic and feasible target, which they could surpass with their efficient co-ordination and skills.

What I perceived
There are three major aspects to the entire activity. In a corporate scenario or in purview of team performances, the binding between the components is equally important as the components themselves.
So here I jot down the plausible critical points of a team performance which can ‘make-or-break’ the entire structure.
·         Flow of concept: In a group, be it hierarchical or flat, the flow of information is pretty important. But this information is futile if conveyed as a statement. When dealing with animate entities who can think, satisfaction and the drive to follow comes only when some information satiates their reason, feeds to their queries and curiosities. So, as we saw, there was a team who’s manager was constantly instructing his worker as to how to put a block along with the phrase ‘because this will help balance the cubes, or it’ll give a robust base’, etc. These statements, howsoever intuitive, communicate a sense of understanding of the big picture to the worker who was actually not able to see how the tower was shaping up in reality.
·         Trust: Again, be it hierarchical or flat, to induce synergy in performance of a team it becomes highly important to maintain a state of trust across the team, inclusive in entirety. It does happen at times, that certain amount of information needs to be retained amongst defined echelons, with just reasons for the same. But in a state of lack of trust, such situations would emerge as a reason to agitate for the lesser privileged, for the ignorance they are forced to. Rather than this, in a state of trust, we hold confidence in the next person and a modest level of empathy as well. Citing an example from the task, there was this GM in a team who had maintained his composure throughout the task. He had conveyed the task with all the requisites and expectations and was quite watchful about the proceedings as well. But didn’t interfere between the manager-worker duo, rightly so. There was a notion of trust he was conferring unto them. Similarly, the workers, in both teams were smoothly integrated with their respective managers and mutual trust could be depicted. On the other hand, there was this other GM who wanted to get involved in the manager-worker duo, all with good intentions. But in that way, he passed on his sense of anxiety to his sub-ordinates as well. Along with that, it came to the worker as if he was receiving instructions from two ends, howsoever streamlined they be, it generated confusion, hindered communication and hence caused the worker to be a bit miffed at times.
·         Acceptance of opinion: Beginning from the task itself, we observe that even the worker, despite of his institutional constraints, gives ideas as per his observation of the task at hand. And what renders an edge to any performance is the diversity of opinions and visions that comes along with the conglomeration of various people involved. Hence the acceptance of pinion, with respect to their context and not with a prejudice of their positioning in the team can always bring up a new aspect towards the unexplored territory of a situation in hand.
·         Defining goals, ‘SMART’ they should be: It sounds fantasizing to have the liberty to define goals for oneself, and adding ‘SMART’ to it makes it feel all the more trendy. Smart work, smart goals, the universe is all behind ‘smartness’. Well, there have to be reasons for the same. ‘SMART’ as the acronym goes, implies goals which are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-bound. In essence, there is a balancing act while deciding a target for oneself.
o   Need to have a realistic cognition of one’s capabilities and bandwidth
o   Trade-off between convenience and feasibility
o   This is not the place for randomness and subjectivity; goals should be hard-defined and should form the bedrock of the entire process structure.
o   Defining timelines is as important as structuring the objective.
Citing from the classroom activity, the beauty of their target setting was in the fact that when projecting the attainable height as 16, they considered the constraints in picture, the count they were able to draw without those constraints and the time given. The way the activity was performed, the target didn’t come out to be way too easy but the teams were able to achieve it. Given their streamlined operational skills, could also manage to go beyond their projections but not creating an unrealistic gap; which would have again indicated the slack in their target projection.   
There are, and can be, many more conventional as well unconventional points not mentioned here. Amongst the conventional ones are the need to co-ordinate, communicate effectively. Also to remain poised despite the external pressures or situations. Definitely being a social animal, an absolute insulation cannot be called for, but a sense of efficient balancing act is something expected for good reasons.

Note: This post is open for discussion and feedback... value addition to say. J

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